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Y1 - Mrs Jones

Class Photos.

If you would like to order a class photo then please go to Parent Pay and under “Pay for other items” there is an item name for the photo. Each photo is £10 which will be printed and framed.
My name is Mrs Jones and I teach Year 1. I love reading, I can’t wait to share some of my favourite books with you all. I’m sure you will love them too. I am very much looking forward to teaching you all in September, I am sure we will have a fantastic year together.
Information for grown-ups!

At 8:45am school will start and it will finish at 3:25pm. Our waiting area is just outside our exterior classroom door at the beginning and end of the day. In the morning, an adult will come out to greet the children and they will line up ready to come in to class. We will sanitise hands on the way in to class. Parents can leave children in the line, and adults will help children settle into class. 


PE will be every Tuesday - children should come to school in PE kit suitable for the weather on the day. Children should wear dark tracksuit/shorts, a white t-shirt, sensible trainers.  


We would love children to still bring their puddle suit and wellies to school to keep here - so we can still go out on days when the weather isn't so lovely!


Children don't need to bring much in to school with them each day. They should just have their coat, a book bag or other similar small bag (we don't have space for large bags) and a sports-style water bottle (no screw cap or wide neck bottles please as we have lots of spills otherwise). If children bring a lunch box, they will place it in the box provided as they come in to class.

You will put your water bottle, healthy snack and lunchbox on these shelves.
You will keep your puddle suit and wellies on your peg, your coat and bag will go on the top peg.
You will put your picture on the ten frame for self-registration.

Your questions answered:

Do you have a calm area? Yes, we have a calm area. Our classroom will be changing quite a bit so I can't show you what it will look like exactly, but there will definitely still be a calm area.

Do you have a timetable? Yes, we have a big visual timetable at the front of the classroom. We will talk about our timetable at the beginning of each day so we know what to expect. 

Do you have a home corner? What is in it? At the moment, we have Year 2 children in the classroom so there isn't a home corner...yet! In September there will be a home corner, with a kitchen area and some things for you to choose with. 

Do you have play dough? We will have play dough some of the time, we will try to have a lot of different things to do so we will not always have the same things out.

Do you have a maths area? We will have a maths area with lots of fantastic resources to learn with! 

Do you have paper? Yes, there will be lots of paper - all different sizes and colours!

Do you do Go Noodle? Absolutely! I love doing Go Noodle and I am very glad that you do too!

Do you have blocks? Yes, we have blocks. We will have a lot of different things in the construction area so you will be able to build some amazing things!

Do you have water? Yes, we will have a water area outside.

Do you have a creative area? Yes, we will have a creative/art area in our classroom so you can paint, draw or do junk modelling. I am looking forward to seeing your creations!

Do you have computers? We don't have computers out all the time, no. BUT Key Stage 1 have a set of iPads which we use regularly, so we will be able to do computing together.

Do you use Numicon? Yes, we use Numicon so you will recognise the maths equipment. We also have lots of other maths resources that you will be learning to use.

Do you have whiteboards? Yes, we have mini whiteboards and pens out at the tables for children to use. 

Do you have a book area? Yes! I love books and we have lots and lots of them in our new classroom.