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External Support

How to make a referral to the Build Sound Minds Derby and Derbyshire service.

Action for Children have a really simple referral process.

They are able to offer support to children/young people and families who are struggling with the following issues:

  • Family difficulties - where these are having an adverse effect and the child or young person is showing signs of developing a mental health problem or disorder
  • Emotional and behavioural difficulties (Mild to moderate)
  • Behaviour problems once physical causes have been considered and the behaviour falls outside what might be considered to be within the range of normal behaviour
  • Conduct disorders
  • Anxiety, depression, stress and or other mood difficulties
  • Adjustment reactions (i.e. managing transition, change)
  • Simple phobias
  • Self-harm - where this is mild to moderate
  • Support with bereavement & loss/separation
  • Bullying where this is having a significant impact on emotional wellbeing (direct/indirect/cyber)
  • Anger management difficulties
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Parental need where support in managing and understanding behaviour could be beneficial