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Maths at Highfield Hall Primary School

Here at Highfield Hall Primary School, we are committed to teaching maths through a high quality teaching sequence formed around the scheme of learning from White Rose Maths. White Rose maths is influenced, inspired and informed by the work of leading maths researchers and practitioners across the world. Their focus is to build a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress.

Alongside using White Rose Maths in the classroom, it also offers a structured home learning platform that provides detailed videos for children who are working at home because of Covid. This allows for continuation of learning which reduces gaps in learning.

At Highfield Hall Primary School, we teach children mathematical concepts through the use of concrete apparatus before then moving on to pictorial representations. When children are confident with each step, they they will use the abstract form to complete their maths work.

Mathematical reasoning is built cohesively into each maths lesson, a range of sentence stems and reasoning ideas are embedded in their learning.

Our aim is for all Highfield Hall Primary School children to be confident and resilient mathematicians, who can apply their learning with enthusiasm and interest.

Further details about White Rose Maths can be accessed here:

The models and images that are used across school can be found below: