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Supporting Adults' Mental Health

Hi, I'm Mrs Webster and I'm our school's Mental Health Co-ordinator. My role involves me co-ordinating the mental health provision that we offer as a school to our pupils and parents.

If you have any mental health concerns that you want to speak to me about, please feel free to email me and I will arrange a mutually convenient time to phone you. Alternatively I am contactable on the school email address which is

I hope you find the information below to be useful, and if you find any other good resources that I could add to this page then please let me know.
Do you feel that you need support with your own mental health?

One in four adults experiences at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any given year.

People in all walks of life can be affected and at any point in their lives. Mental health problems represent the largest single cause of disability in the UK.

Below are links to some websites and charities that can offer advice and guidance should you feel that you need some support with your own mental health. This also includes the link to self-refer to the NHS Psychological Therapies Service and the Derbyshire Self-referral.

Useful Contact Numbers: 

* Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline: 0800 028 0077

* Samaritans: 116 123

* SaneLine: 0300 304 7000