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Year 1

Information for the start of term

At 8:45am school will start and it will finish at 3:25pm.

Our waiting area is just outside our exterior classroom door at the beginning and end of the day (see pictures below). In the morning, at 8:45am a member of staff will open the exterior door to the classroom and greet the children. The children can then then say goodbye to their adults outside and come on in! Staff members will support the children with putting their items away inside the classroom and help children settle into class.

PE will be every Thursday (Miss Evans Class)/ Monday (Mrs Holden's Class) - children should come to school in PE kit suitable for the weather on the day. Children should wear dark tracksuit/shorts, a white t-shirt, sensible trainers.

*All children are expected to participate unless they have provided their teacher with a letter.*Please ensure all earrings are removed for your child’s PE day, and that their hair is tied back.*

Children don't need to bring much in to school with them each day. They should have their:

  • coat
  • a book bag or other similar small bag (we don't have space for large bags)
  • a sports-style water bottle (no screw cap or wide neck bottles please as we have lots of spills otherwise).
  • a healthy snack (fruit or vegetable only) 

*All items must be completely free of even traces of nuts or seeds, due to significant health concerns of other students* 

If children bring a lunch box, there is a shelf provided for them as they walk in the room.



  • We will send words and sounds home and to practise reading and spelling every Friday.
  • Children are expected to read their books as part of their homework as much as possible.
  • Reading records are checked in school every Wednesday. Please ensure your child has this with them.
  • Phonics ebooks are also available (contact the office via for the attention of Mrs Higham, for more information)

*Children can change their reading book any day they want/need. They should always have their reading book in school for daily reading sessions 

We will be having a parents meeting with more information about year 1 at the start of term. Information about this will come in September!

Where to wait in the morning and which door to line up at: