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Year 3

Information for parents 2023-24

The Year 3 team are:
Mrs Webster
Mrs Jones
Mrs Corbyn
Mrs Hadkiss
We strongly believe that effective communication between home and school is key to a successful school year. The information below should answer some of the questions you may have about the upcoming school year. If we can help any further, please feel free to contact us via email.

Mrs Webster -

Mrs Jones -

Thank you,

Mrs Webster and Mrs Jones

Our swimming day is Wednesday - the children will swim alternate half terms. They will be split in to groups and we will let you know once the groups have been sorted. Children need to wear a swim hat and goggles whilst swimming.

Our PE day is on a Tuesday. Children need to come to school in a white t-shirt and blue or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms. Wherever possible we will do PE outside, so layers will be needed in the colder months.

The children will be given a pencil case when they start Year 3. This will contain everything they will need to complete their work. We ask them to look after it and take care with their belongings. We are reluctant to replace items that are lost or damaged. Parents do not need to supply anything from home.

The children are allowed to bring one healthy snack to eat at morning break - this should only be fruit or vegetables. They do not need an afternoon snack. We ask that only healthy snacks are brought in to school; if unhealthy snacks are brought in we will ask that they are put back in bags to take home. All items must be completely free of even traces of nuts or seeds, due to significant health concerns of other students. Thank you for your support on this important matter.

Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle in to school. These are stored at the side of the classroom so they don't spill on work. We ask that bottles are filled with water only. If your child has a reason that they need something other than water, please speak to a member of the team.

This is our Year 3 building
The toilets for each class are next to their classroom door, we share the sinks.
We use a numbering system in Year 3 which relates to the order of the register. This helps us with self registration and randomising seating, groups etc. Each day the children will be seated in a random order, ensuring they get to work with all members of the class! This has been hugely successful in previous years and we are sure the children will enjoy finding out who they’re sitting with each morning!

We will find our new spaces each morning - how exciting! We then put our number on the self registration chart.
You will have a space to put your water bottle and lunchbox. Your coat peg and drawer are labelled with your number:
Each classroom will have a Book Nook and a Calm space but they might look different.
We have a wonderful shared space we call The Pod. It’s great for when we need a quiet space to work or to just ‘be’!
Spring 2 - What's below the surface?
We have a Geography focus this half term, and are learning about lines of latitude and longitude. We will also be learning about Antarctica.
Spring 1
Stone Age Hook Day!
We had a wonderful day today, having our first taste of the Stone Age! Many of us wanted to dress up for the day and we looked AMAZING!!
We learned all about  Skara Brae, a Stone Age settlement in Scotland. Then we also learned about Stone Henge, which was built in the same period - the Neolithic period - around 5000 years ago!
After learning lots about it, we made our own models of Stone Henge from biscuits and icing - a BISCUIT HENGE!! We loved building and eating them.
We have been learning all about programming using a website called Scratch.
The children were very excited and wanted to continue their learning at home, so you will find the web address below:
Autumn 1 Learning Blog
This term we focused on the book 'Seal Surfer'.  We began learning about how to use paragraphs and dialogue in our writing. We also learnt about the features of letters and wrote our own! 
As part of our topic we also learnt about seals and wrote information texts about them.
In Geography, we learnt about the United Kingdom and the four regions, including their capital cities. We even made 3D maps using playdough!
In maths, we have been learning about Place Value and Addition & Subtraction. 
We have worked really hard!!