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Medication In School

In cases of chronic illness or long term complaints such as asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis or epilepsy.

This information will be updated regularly and recorded on the computer database. At the beginning of each year a class list with this information is circulated to each class teacher.

We may be provided with an Individual Health Care Plan from the child’s parents, GP or the school health service.

We can also request support from the School Health Service who need to know about the child’s condition.


Whenever it is practicable the parent should administer the medication. We can encourage parents to come into school or suggest that the child goes home at lunchtime to receive their medication. Where clinically possible, medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside school hours. Where this is not possible, the following will apply:

  • a Parental Consent form must be completed for any and all medicine (prescribed or non prescribed) that needs to be administered
  • medicines will only be administered at school when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or school attendance not to do so
  • medicines can be self administered if possible
  • no child will be given a medicine containing aspirin unless it has been prescribed by a doctor
  • the school will only accept prescribed medicines that are in-date, labelled, provided in the original container, as dispensed by the pharmacist, and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage- the exception to this is insulin which must be in-date, but will generally be available to schools inside an insulin pen or pump, rather than its original container
  • medicines will be stored safely, this in a classroom or in a fridge. Children who need to access their medicines immediately, such as those requiring asthma inhalers or epipens, will be shown where they are- on educational visits, medicines will also be available and they will be looked after by a relevant member of staff
  • pupils should know where their medicines are stored
  • if a controlled drug has been prescribed, it will be kept securely in the safe, only named staff will have access to such medication so that it can be administered to the specific child. The school will keep a record of doses administered, stating what, how and how much was administered, when and by whom- any side effects of the medication to be administered will be noted
  • medicines that are no longer required or are out of date will be returned to the parent for safe disposal
  • written records will be kept of all medicines administered to children
  • the member of staff administering the medicine should check the maximum dosage and when the previous dosage was taken
  • sharp boxes will always be used for the safe disposal of needles
  • if teachers need to bring their own medicines into school they should be safely locked away at all times, and away from any medicines taken by children