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Remote education

In rare circumstances, school may provide education remotely. The circumstances where it might not be possible for pupils to receive in person education fit into 2 broad categories:

  • school closures or restrictions on attendance, where school access for pupils is restricted

  • individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able to learn

Where children are not able to be in school, but are able to learn, education may be provided in a range of ways. These can include:
  • Accessing online learning platforms used by school, for example Doodle, TT Rockstars, White Rose Maths or KAPOW resources
  • Accessing online learning via the Oak National Academy (here)
  • Paper-based resources delivered to the home
  • Using tutoring packages in the home, such as Tailor Made Programmes or NT&AS 
As far as possible, learning will mirror what is being taught in school, however sometimes learning will be bespoke for the individual, based on their needs.